Your Home - My Refuge is an organisation where we offer people who suffer from trauma the following: rest, coaching, individual and group meetings creativ workshops and massages.
Elizabeth and Tal Lev-Ary. Tal was born and raised in Israel. Elizabeth is from the Netherlands.
They met in Israel in 1990, got married and had 2 children. They lived in the Netherlands until the Lord made it clear to them to move to Israel as a family.
As we are working on establishing a non-profit organisation in the USA, you can now donate by making a direct bank transfer to our Israeli bank account:
Name of account owner: YOUR HOME, MY REFUGE (R.A.)
IBAN: IL05-0127-1300-0000-0021-105
Doneren in NL (and EU)?
Stichting Your home - my rrefuge heeft nu ook een Nederlandse tak. Vandaar dat het nu mogelijk is om donaties rechtstreeks op de rekening van de stichting over te maken.
Wij zijn nu beziig met de aanvraag voor een ANBI status.
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Your donation empowers us to offer crucial counseling & support to traumatized civilians & soldiers in Israel. Together, we provide essential programs and services during times of crisis, offering hope and healing to those in need.